
Search the internet and you will find numerous adorable craft ideas for kids to make for their grandparents. Buying a more practical gift for a grandparent can be a little more challenging. Here are some ideas for when you want to give something in addition to the photos and crafts. Art on canvas So yes, [...]

You can enter to WIN one of two FREE one-year subscriptions to Ooka Island at ENDS JANUARY 4. From kindergarten to grade three of a child’s life is extremely important for developing a strong literacy understanding. In a previous post, I shared that nearly half of Canadians aged 16 to 65 fall below the [...]

What if you could give a gift that kids would actually play with during the year? Now, what if that gift could also help them improve their ability to read? According to Statistics Canada, nearly half of Canadians aged 16 to 65 fall below the minimum reading level required to function well at work and [...]

Learning to read is so important. It’s such a simple concept. Just learn to read, right? For some kids it is easy. They love books, and they understand how words sound and fit together. For others, it’s not as simple as that. Our seven year old is struggling right now. Not because she can’t read. [...]

A s a first time parent to a child starting preschool this year, there are some items you will want to have on hand and some things you need to know about in the week leading up to your child’s first day at preschool. Items Backpack: Kids are small at this age and won’t need [...]

Staycation summer activities

There are less than two weeks left until the house gets a little quieter during the weekdays. It’s time to make the most of the last days of summer and here are some activities you should get in (if you haven’t already). Summer Family Activities Geocaching This is our new favourite thing. I first described [...]

This weekend marks the halfway point in our summer holidays. On one hand, it feels like the time is flying by and I am running out of summer-memory-making days. On the other, I wake up some mornings wondering what new things I can come up with to satisfy these energetic and curious minds I have [...]

How to make a ‘pup’sicle

Summer days can get pretty hot around here. At least that’s what I think and I don’t have a permanent fur coat on. I can’t even begin to imagine what it feels like for our canine companion. Here’s a fun treat that dogs are sure to love when temperatures rise. How to make a ‘pup’sicle [...]

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