Being a first-time mom can be overwhelming, especially during the first year! From post-partum recovery, adjusting to a new sleep schedule (or no sleep) to learning to recognize your baby’s cries and wants, the first year is a struggle. To help make baby’s first year a memorable one for you and baby, these tips will [...]
Whether you’re considering becoming a parent for the first time or having a second (or third), it’s an experience that can be both exciting and scary at the same time. But, where to start? Here are a few questions and answers to get you started and on the right track. How can I keep track [...]
sponsored post Skates, helmets and tournaments – oh my, it must hockey season! Between driving your hockey superstar to endless practices, organizing fundraisers and maintaining equipment, there’s no denying that being a hockey parent is a busy – and rewarding – job. The team camaraderie is infectious and seeing your little one’s determination on the [...]
It seems like a war has been waging for awhile, and for the longest time, I thought it was a war between helicopter parents and free range parents. It’s not. There’s another group involved that is pulling the punches and placing blame on each of our shoulders. And we fall for it every time. And [...]
We’ve all been there? You hit a point in your mothering adventure and you are blind-sided by something that comes up. Shocked, you reach out to tell your friends (who are also mothers), only to find that it has happened to every single mother out there — everyone just forgot to mention it to you. [...]
Dear parent, Hold on a little longer. With school just around the corner, I’m looking at the finish line with mixed emotions. On one hand, I have loved my time with my girls this summer. I’ve had them in my life all day, every day for almost two months. On the other hand, I’ve had [...]
There are roughly seven more weeks left of school and our kids will be all ours for the summer. Our girls are at an age where they can play a lot of the day on their own and my role is moving into a supervisory one versus my old role as primary entertainer. So I [...]
Okay, the title is a little dramatic, but I think it fits. Last Monday, our daughter just went for it. No more diapers. I’d like to tell you that we found some magic trick, but it just happened. Our youngest daughter, at two years and nine months old just decided that she was ready to [...]
By the time I was in grade three, I was already attending my third school. We weren’t a military family. My parents moved a lot due to life or financial circumstances. I swore that when I had children I would never do that to them ….. never tempt fate to question you, because it certainly [...]
My husband went shopping with our oldest daughter this afternoon to get a present for her cousin and to run some other errands. They ended up going to a very popular toy store here in Canada (and probably in the US too). I stayed home to get some things done and to spend some time [...]
Tonight, I stood over my three year old daughter, then my five month old daughter and watched them sleep and I found myself listing things that I wished for them in my head. I just wanted to share. I wish that you find friends as loving as you are. I wish that you have many [...]