Dear parent,
Hold on a little longer.
With school just around the corner, I’m looking at the finish line with mixed emotions. On one hand, I have loved my time with my girls this summer. I’ve had them in my life all day, every day for almost two months.

On the other hand, I’ve had them in my life all day, every day for almost two months.
Today at 10:41am (I know because I actually checked the clock), I seriously considered texting a neighbour to come over for a glass of wine. I’m past coffee now apparently. I thought better of it and didn’t text thinking that I would invite her over later in the day when I gathered my sanity, but somewhere in there the crazy abyss that is my kids opened up and I forgot about making plans for a coffee date. Then I put up a tent in my living room in a last ditch attempt to get my girls to stop talking and to focus on playing nicely with each other.
Those of you who have ‘constant-talkers’ for kids will understand my desperation for a 10-minute break with my coffee that turned into a half drunk, cold cup by the end of the day.
So this photo is for those of you who are hanging on now, just waiting for that day when we get to dress them up in school clothes, drop them off in their new class, and wrap it all off with a big ugly cry in the car because you will miss them when they go back.
Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.