This is it! The big countdown is on. As I’ve written before, I have a lot of mixed emotions. But those emotions aside, I don’t actually feel stressed about the start of the school year so much as about the fact that I won’t be enjoying long summer days with my girls. Some schools have [...]
When our kids go back to school, their chances of encountering a health-related issue increase. More friend encounters during the day means more germs, more mistakes, and more opportunity for illnesses to spread a lot faster then it would at home. These illnesses are a part of life for many and can be managed, or [...]
Dear parent, Hold on a little longer. With school just around the corner, I’m looking at the finish line with mixed emotions. On one hand, I have loved my time with my girls this summer. I’ve had them in my life all day, every day for almost two months. On the other hand, I’ve had [...]
Don’t worry, you’re not special in this regard. This happens to everyone. You put a lot of thought into your child’s school lunch only to have it come home almost completely untouched after a long day at school. Panic sets in. “Is my child going to get sick if they don’t eat?” “Why can’t they [...]
We are already one week into school and I am still having a tough time wrapping my head around the end of summer vacations. Our week has been busy, but everyone is making it through without many issues and here are some things we are focusing on. Create a special area for your child(ren) Before [...]
Put the pitchforks away, I waited until we were into August before mentioning ‘the end of summer as we know it’. The days are still long and gorgeous, but each day brings us closer to the inevitable, and little steps now can help your child easily transition into the routine and structure that comes during [...]
By the time I was in grade three, I was already attending my third school. We weren’t a military family. My parents moved a lot due to life or financial circumstances. I swore that when I had children I would never do that to them ….. never tempt fate to question you, because it certainly [...]