
School came up really quickly this year with our daughters’ first day starting on September 1, before the long weekend. The truth is that although our girls were excited to start their next school year, their father and I weren’t ready to let them go without one last road trip. A last minute hotel in [...]

I reek like camp fire. A day, and two washings later, and still I smell like a woodsman. Usually I would go for a third or fourth trip to the shower to rinse the stench but now I just smile when I get a whiff of the smoke smell. I get it. After 41 years, [...]

Minecraft Meltdown

Last Wednesday afternoon was like any other except that something was brewing inside my little three year old and, unbeknownst to me, she was about to lose it in our driveway. I need to share a little before I can go on. Both of our girls play Minecraft on their iPads (pocket edition). For those [...]

After what might be considered as an epic, emotional weekend between our two daughters, I thought I would take a quick break to remember that these are growing pains, that it happens in most family dynamics, and we will get through this. In reflecting and wishing for the strength to squish the urge to pack [...]

Finally Embracing My Roots

It wasn’t until I was three that my hair started to sprout. Up until then, a sparse mass of curly locks crowned my little head –  nothing substantial enough for a barrette or elastic band to secure it in place. While the other little girls in Kindergarten had long, shiny hair that flowed past their [...]

Leaving My Neighbourhood

I first moved into my neighbourhood over 7 years ago. As you can imagine, everything in it is comfortable and familiar. I know that the brick building across the street always has bird feeders and that there are beautiful sweet peas in the garden behind the church rectory. I know the shortcut through the parking [...]

I Wish for You

Tonight, I stood over my three year old daughter, then my five month old daughter and watched them sleep and I found myself listing things that I wished for them in my head. I just wanted to share. I wish that you find friends as loving as you are. I wish that you have many [...]