With summer in full swing, families across the country are planning their vacations. Time away from the office and house work and more time to spend together as a family. During the summer months, road trips are an ideal option for family getaways. They are cheaper than flying and can open up a lot of [...]
My daughter and I try to grab some play time together when we can. Our youngest still takes two naps in a day so if we are home together during a nap, I enjoy pulling out a few different toys that she and I can do together. These are toys that are quiet, require us [...]
Birthday shopping for my two girls is always so easy. I spend every minute of the day with them. I know them better than they know themselves and I know what interests them the most. Shopping for kids that are not mine is another story. I don’t spend as much time with them and often [...]
I can’t believe we are already just over half way through the LEGO DUPLO 30 Days of Play Challenge on the Today’s Parent website. Each day for just over two weeks, we have been checking the Today’s Parent website for new challenges, or play ideas. If you are following me on Facebook or Twitter, then [...]
I’ve been at home on maternity leave with both of my girls for almost ten months now. Today, I was thinking back to the first day at home with both of them, alone, and how terrified I was. I still have days when I wake up in a panic because I don’t know what I [...]
There are few sounds that, when heard, can instantly transport me to my childhood. At the top of my list of those familiar sounds is the sound of LEGO DUPLO as it is poured out of a box or container. The sound of the pieces hitting each other is unmistakeable and as I hear it, [...]
I have to admit something. I have no idea when March break is happening this year. I really have no reason to. With both of my girls under the age of four, every week is Spring Break. Looking it up online, I found out that Spring Break in Alberta is from March 23 – 30 [...]
My husband went shopping with our oldest daughter this afternoon to get a present for her cousin and to run some other errands. They ended up going to a very popular toy store here in Canada (and probably in the US too). I stayed home to get some things done and to spend some time [...]
Our oldest is three years (and three months) old and she told me a couple of weeks ago that she didn’t like to look at books by herself because she couldn’t read them. I’m guessing it frustrates her and she focuses on the words. We have been working on looking at the pictures and letting [...]
Tonight, I stood over my three year old daughter, then my five month old daughter and watched them sleep and I found myself listing things that I wished for them in my head. I just wanted to share. I wish that you find friends as loving as you are. I wish that you have many [...]
If you came here because you did a search on the words in my title and you are looking for answers, or for a post that is going to make you feel better, this is not it. I’m where you are right now. How do you make the decision to put a pet down? We [...]