
When I announced we’d be taking our two young preschool-age daughters camping this summer, there were plenty of dropped jaws. “Really, in a tent?” many friends, family members and strangers would ask as though my husband and myself had plead temporary insanity. With Molly now four and Zoe, 2, we figured there’s no better time [...]

I was cleaning out our basement the other day while getting ready for a garage sale and came across a box of unused mason jars. I decided they would be perfect for a DIY project for the kids to use as their saving jars. If your children are like mine, they need something visual to [...]

Welcome to everyone who is dropping by from my segments on CTV Morning today. You can watch both episodes at For more information on the topics I spoke about today, you can check out my blog posts at: Tips for Traveling to Cuba with Kids Tips for Road Trips with Kids Thanks for stopping [...]

In January, we gave away one of the kittens from the rescue cat that we took in. I felt so bad taking a child away from it’s mother. When it happened, my husband tried to comfort me and said “Don’t worry, she won’t remember she gave birth”. “What?” I retorted incredulously, “A mother never just [...]

A little background music can help children sing along, build and play while they learn simple things like colors, stacking, letters and role play. A 2011 study of parents with children age 1‐5 Years reveals that among children that listen to music during playtime: 55% of children are happier when music is coupled with play; [...]

I made the mistake of telling our girls on the Monday before that we would be throwing a LEGO DUPLO party on the Sunday and inviting some of their friends. I spent the next five mornings answering the question, “Mom, is today Sunday?” LEGO DUPLO was kind enough to send us a party pack filled [...]

About four weeks ago now, I was sitting in my kitchen making a list when I noticed a little tabby cat outside of our deck door looking in. I’m calling it a tabby, but it was orange with white, anyway, back to my story. I thought nothing of the cat, there are a couple of [...]

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