
Egg Drop Soup Recipe

This month I am taking you around the world in 80 eggs with the Egg Farmers of Canada. I get to share my family’s love of eggs and show you some different recipes featuring the versatility of eggs. Today I am sharing one of my favourite soup recipes. If you are looking for a soup [...]

The witches and pirates (and probably way too many Elsa and Annas) will be out in full force on Halloween. It is such a high-energy night for the little ones and after it is all said and done, kids everywhere are left with a giant pile of treats. Here are some Halloween trick or treat [...]

As much as our family enjoys road trips, there are certain times of the year when we would rather not get in the car and drive 14 hours to visit family. One such occasion that comes to mind is anytime during the winter months. Roads aren’t as easy to travel and everything is white (there [...]

Camping tips from a novice

Camping was so easy when you were a kid. You just needed to show up. You never knew how much effort your parents put in, while you were out exploring the campground with the little boy from the next lot with the Spiderman shirt. But right now, I am the mom and I can’t let [...]

Carrot soup recipe

This carrot soup recipe is perfect for fall. With ingredients that are also available during this time of year, and some great spices, this soup will get gobbled up on those cooler days. We’ve had a good year for our garden and a lot of our fall vegetables did really well so I’ve had a [...]

Staycation summer activities

There are less than two weeks left until the house gets a little quieter during the weekdays. It’s time to make the most of the last days of summer and here are some activities you should get in (if you haven’t already). Summer Family Activities Geocaching This is our new favourite thing. I first described [...]

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