Fall is my favourite season. It’s the beginning of the two best holidays of the year (IMO). The leaves are changing colour, and all of the things I covet seem to be everywhere. Here are the things I am crushing on right now. Hot Specialty Drinks When the weather cools, I stock up on the [...]
If you have a garden, then every day into September that you stay above zero is a good day. Some of our plants still have food to grow and the days are getting shorter, and cooler. Then there comes the one day that it’s just done. And that is the day that you wake up [...]
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” Og Mandino Jasper held it’s fifth annual Dark Sky Festival from October 16 – 25 this year and our whole family drove out to experience the various activities in and around town. [...]
PSL-lovers rejoice. I’ve taken the pumpkin spice latte we all love at this time of year and turned it into a fudge. You’re welcome. This fudge recipe challenged me this month. It took me three tries to get the chocolate chip ratio right so that it would turn into fudge. My first try ended up [...]
I’m starting to feel the shift to fall in everything I do. Meals, clothing, even my makeup choices shift as the weather turns cool. As the days get shorter, my makeup colours become warmer and the products with a boost of moisture make their way back to the top of my makeup basket. Earlier this [...]
This carrot soup recipe is perfect for fall. With ingredients that are also available during this time of year, and some great spices, this soup will get gobbled up on those cooler days. We’ve had a good year for our garden and a lot of our fall vegetables did really well so I’ve had a [...]
This summer was the shortest summer I’ve experienced in 41 years on this earth. Look at that, I’m already using the past-tense to refer to summer. Ah well, facing forward and moving on. Properly preparing your yard, and storage areas for winter can make things a lot easier for you in the spring. Shop the [...]
I’ve been trying out my own ‘instead of’ way of eating lately and have been substituting foods I normally eat with healthier options (‘Instead of’ honey, use agave…etc) . So far it has been working really well and I feel great. Today I decided to try making hummus to eat with some carrots from our [...]
With a new apple tree in our yard, we will have a surplus of apples at the end of the season each year. Making pies is an easy way to use them up. Family recipes have a great way of being passed down through generations. With subtle changes made each time, the recipes are cherished [...]
This weekend has been beautiful in Edmonton. Actually the end of summer and beginning of fall has been absolute bliss in my books. I spent some time outside with my girls earlier in the garden and I realized that we are now officially in harvest mode. Many of our vegetables have been picked, our fall [...]