If you have a garden, then every day into September that you stay above zero is a good day. Some of our plants still have food to grow and the days are getting shorter, and cooler. Then there comes the one day that it’s just done. And that is the day that you wake up [...]
With the price of groceries climbing, many people are trying to find low-cost alternatives to feeding their family while keeping everyone eating healthy. A summer garden is the perfect way to add to your fresh food while saving money. Planning a garden takes time and patience if you want to pack as much as possible [...]
I went against popular advice for my area and planted our garden over the long weekend. Our spring season can be very touchy and we’ve had snow as late as June 1. This year, I looked Mother Nature in the eyes and I didn’t back down. Actually, I checked the two week forecast and it [...]
This weekend has been beautiful in Edmonton. Actually the end of summer and beginning of fall has been absolute bliss in my books. I spent some time outside with my girls earlier in the garden and I realized that we are now officially in harvest mode. Many of our vegetables have been picked, our fall [...]
Have you noticed fall starting to creep in? I was playing in the yard yesterday with my daughters and I noticed patches of leaves changing colour and some have even started falling off the trees. Its subtle, but its there. The flowers have stopped blooming and the petals are dropping to the ground. I know, [...]
I love waking up on the weekend and looking outside at our vegetable garden to see how much it has grown over the past week while I was at work and out and about.I love to garden, and I made the decision to start teaching Baby Bird about gardening at 21 months old. It might [...]