
Every summer, we add new recipes to our list of ‘things we can barbecue’, and thanks to last weekend’s success, I can add this Grilled Pineapple recipe as well. I’ve been playing around with flavoured balsamic vinegars and olive oils and this dessert turned into a piña colada-type treat. We served it up with ice [...]

I have been wanting to try this recipe since I made my coconut rum sugar cookies recipe last year. I waited patiently until this holiday so I could share them at an Easter dinner we are going to this weekend. Actually, it wasn’t so much so that I could share them. It was mostly because [...]

It’s usually right about now that I start missing the poutine from a restaurant near my in-laws cabin which is approximately a 14 hour drive away from us. Summer at the cabin isn’t the same without that meal and it is always on our list of things to eat when we go home to visit. [...]

Sweet Curry Fries Recipe

French fries are an easy go-to food in our house. It’s one of the few foods that even the picky mouths at our dinner table will eat and it is a great finger food (our little one still gets frustrated with her fork some days). Being such a popular choice for a side, it’s fun [...]

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