Kids are Talking Style with Kingsway Mall

To the collective sigh of relief from parents everywhere, school started up this week in Edmonton and with this came supplies, backpacks, and new clothes. Kingsway Mall has started a great conversation over on their website about back-to-school style and they have some fantastic video clips of their interviews to share with you.

Kingsway_Mall_STK.jpgI do my back-to-school shopping in two phases. First, I pick up some of my daughter’s clothes before the school year begins to add to the excitement of a new start. Then there are the post-back-to-school shopping items. I delay purchasing one to two outfits that can be mixed and matched until after school starts and I know what styles my daughter is interested in.

My daughter gets her inspiration from what she sees in the world around her and, as of Tuesday, a big part of her world became kindergarten. She sees the styles that other kids are wearing and colours that she realizes she likes and since I am making a big effort to foster her creativity and own individual style, I hold a portion of her back-to-school purchases back so I can get her some ‘want’ items to fill her wardrobe after school starts.

Recently, Kingsway Mall has started talking style with some back-to-school experts… kids. Who better to tell you about back-to-school fashion and the importance of letting yourself shine through your style then our children?

Hosted by the “Fashion Guy”, John Chwyl, the three episodes are short and offer a light-hearted, candid, and often funny look into the minds of our little style experts.

You can follow and join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook with #KingswaySTK and @KingswayMall.

Not only that, but you can also check out their eight adorable outtake videos for the best kid-unfiltered comments. You can find, and share all of the videos on Kingsway Mall’s ‘Style Talking Kids’ page of their website.

Are you still looking for some kid’s clothes for the new school year? Make sure you drop by Kingsway Mall to take advantage of any back-to-school sales as the stores will be clearing out their inventory to make room for winter wear.


Found in Kids