When I was a kid, my favourite books were adventure books where you read along as the main character solved their way through the chapters to unlock the big mystery at the end of the story.
I feel I need to share this because I’ve just reviewed the first chapter of what will be a fun, challenging, engaging series of books for kids and I am impressed. Actually, I found myself wishing that something like this existed when I was a child. Imagine being the main character in your book and solving your own mystery.

Imaginary Friends was created by Evan Jones (from London, Ontario). It comes as a kit complete with puzzles, clues, the book, and special pieces that add to the adventure. Parents get to be a part of the story with their child by assisting in creating some of the experience. The time is minimal, and the payoff is massive.
You can check out the first chapter of one of their kits (complete with the activities) for free at http://try.imaginaryfriendbooks.com/.
I am excited about this book and I can’t wait to get my hands on the whole kit. Imaginary Friends is on Kickstarter trying to reach a $40,000 goal. They have already passed $31,000, but they only have until Saturday (June 27, 2015) to reach their goal. At the very least, I urge you to watch the video on the Imaginary Friends Kickstarter page.
Imaginary Friends is a great investment on Kickstarter because:
- It requires little effort on the parent’s part and you can create lasting memories and foster your child’s imagination.
- The first chapter in the book was so much fun. There is the story, a scavenger hunt, a website with a secret log in code, and a special telegram. Once one of the puzzles is solved, there is even a special phone call (shhhhh! it’s a secret).
- The first two books in the series are almost complete so instead of waiting for a couple of years to get your books and kits, you will be waiting a couple of months (then we’ll have them in time for winter).
- I like this Kickstarter because it is a solid idea from a fellow Canadian. I know many of us like to buy local and support Canada when we can and this is a win win all around.
I know there may be some who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, so read on for the low down on what you need to know.
- Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform meaning that businesses with an idea can post on here looking for personal investors (like you and me) to grow their business.
- The minimum you can donate for this Kickstarter is $1. Check out the right sidebar though, different donation amounts will get you different rewards. For example, if you donate in the $35 range, you can get one book/activity set sent to you.
- Your order is not charged until the company reaches it’s Kickstarter amount by the deadline. You can also change and cancel your order before the end date.
- If the Kickstarter amount isn’t met, your card is not charged and nothing happens. This means that the company does not receive its funding from the public and the public does not receive (or pay for) anything.
- You can back this Kickstarter by clicking ‘Back This Project’ in the top right, or by clicking on the reward you would like to receive.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored. Opinions are our own.
Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.