Fine motor skill development is the ‘meat and potatoes’ of Occupational Therapy and the number one reason for referral. Generally, “fine motor” refers to the refined skills of the hands and fingers. It encompasses the use of different tools in daily life (eating utensils, writing utensils, keyboard, etc.) and basically anything that you do with [...]
Back to School
Before I became a parent, I was an Occupational Therapist, working with children and people of all ages with special needs since 1993, and as a pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) since 2002. For children, their “occupations” are play and school. This is how they learn, grow, and develop. Once I had my own children, my [...]
I made this homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday and it was gobbled up by both of my girls. They also requested a bowl of soup as a snack which was pretty impressive considering they could choose from a variety of fruit we had on hand. Adding alphabet noodles in place of regular soup noodles makes [...]
Since I picked my daughter up on her last day of pre-K in June, I’ve been thinking about my early school memories. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in ‘what needs to get done’ these days that I forget that these moments will forge my own daughter’s memories when she is my age. I’ve crowd-sourced [...]
By the time I was in grade three, I was already attending my third school. We weren’t a military family. My parents moved a lot due to life or financial circumstances. I swore that when I had children I would never do that to them ….. never tempt fate to question you, because it certainly [...]
I remember way back when I was starting school. Our supply list consisted of about 10 – 15 items. Pens, notebooks, scissors and glue. I was blown away when I heard that iPads were being used in grade 1 classrooms. I know I shouldn’t be. My daughter can navigate her way around my iPhone like [...]