Tanda mē elōs Professional Hair Removal System

I can’t begin to tell you how much I hate LOATHE shaving my legs and underarms. Ever since I was young when curiosity got the better of me and I grabbed my moms razor and shaved a section of my legs. Then that hair came in a little darker, so I started shaving it away again and … well, you get the whole horrible direction this is going in.

I’ve tried so many things in an effort to shave less. I’ve tried creams, epilators and waxing. Creams and me just don’t mix, epilators and waxing hurts and I am a wimp. In the end, I have always reluctantly returned to shaving. It is like going back to a crappy boyfriend over and over again; you know there is someone out there who is way better for you, but until you find them, you stick with the one who will get you out of the house on a Saturday night.

I’ve recently heard about the Tanda mē elōs Professional Hair Removal System. A painless way to slowly remove hair over a few treatments. In reading about it (a lot), I asked if I could try the system out and do a three-post feature on it. In my opinion, if it removes as effectively as it claims, this system is totally worth the price tag in my opinion. I wanted to give you a thorough feature on the item so that you also have enough information to make a good decision as to whether you would like to make this purchase. So I hope my three posts help. This is the first, and I will link to the other two posts at the end of this post once they are up.

The Tanda mē elōs Professional Hair Removal System for the body is good for areas such as arms, underarms, bikini area, full legs for women as well as shoulders, abdomen, chest and backs so men can use it too. There is a Facial Kit that is sold separately and the hair removal system should not be used on the face without it.

Included in the Tanda mē elōs Professional Hair Removal System is the:

  • mē device
  • protective cap for epilator/shaver area
  • user guide
  • elōs cartridge
  • power cord
  • information DVD
  • elōs protective cap
  • cleaning brush and warranty card

There are a couple of attachments that you can also buy separately. They have an epilator or a shaver/trimmer attachment so you can remove your hair while you are treating your areas. I chose the shaver attachment.

The Tanda Hair Removal System works gradually over a certain number of uses to reuce the amount of hair in unwanted areas. I used it last weekend for the first time and ended up using it on my legs, bikini area and underarms. The process is actually very easy. You will want to have some non-alcoholic wipes on hand as one of the steps is to wipe the area with a non-alcoholic wipe. Non-scented baby wipes work well here.

I suggest reading through the manual before starting as there are a couple of areas you should avoid touching while using the system (namely the cooling inlet and hot air outlets). After reading the manual, I felt confident it would be easy to use, and it was.

The shaver attaches to the system and then you can turn it on and proceed. The light that flashes as it works is very bright, so don’t get too close to it with your eyes. Then, once you get started, you just run it up and down your areas in a shaving motion slowly enough to cover everything. To give you an idea of how slow to go. You should take approximately 10 minutes per leg. The sound of the shaver and system is quiet and I had no problems using it. It only works (the light flashes for hair removal) when you have the system properly angled on the area you re working on.

So, my first impression is that I found it easy to use, and completely painless. I am used to a regular razor, so using the shaver attachment was okay, but next time, I am going to try shaving my legs on my own first, then using the system to do the removal to see if there is any difference.

It is just over a week since I used the system, and I notice the hair on my legs is growing a lot slower. Since the first four treatments are supposed to be two weeks apart, I will be doing my next treatment next weekend. I will be posting my second of three posts after my third treatment to give you an idea of my progress, so expect the next post around the end of February.

I have to say that this is the first time ever that I am looking forward to my next hair removal experience.

You can purchase the mē Hair Removal System on the Tanda Website for $395.00 plus shipping. You can also pick it up at various The Bay Stores across Canada (call ahead to confirm availability) and on the Shopping Channel. Whether you buy online or in stores, Tanda products also come with a 30-day money back guarantee – so if you are not satisfied, you have 30 days to return it for a refund. You can also buy replacement elōs cartridges for about $60.00. The shaver and epliator attachments are each sold separately and cost about $50.00, but you do not NEED to use them for the system to work. They are nice to have though so you can shave while you treat and avoid extra time. (Note: you can also find various online retailers that sell the Hair Removal System online by searching for Tanda Hair Removal in search engines).

To find out more information on this and other Tanda products, you can visit the Tanda website, Like Tanda on Facebook, or Follow Tanda on Twitter.

There are also some instances where you should NOT use the mē Hair Removal System. These are not prominent on the outside of the packaging, so I am including them here. This is taken out of the manual and will give you an idea if this is a good fit for you as I would hate for you to purchase, only to open it up and find out you can not use it for any of the reasons listed. There is also a section on the package that shows different skin types (tones) so check the package to make sure that you are able to use it. Just click on the image to enlarge it to make sure you are okay to use.

Please note: as of this post, the Tanda Hair Removal System is only available in Canada.

Disclosure: I received the Tanda mē elōs Professional Hair Removal System and the shaver/trimmer cartridge for free to complete my feature. The following post is a reflection of my own personal experiences and do not represent those of the named brand. Individual results using the Tanda will vary.

Found in Style & Beauty

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  • Josee P Feb 7, 2012, 8:21 pm

    Awesome!! can’t wait to read your next posts. I have been looking into buying one for a while. Very hairy beast here and like you tried everything and went back to razor. :(

  • Soozle Feb 6, 2012, 4:46 pm

    I loved the idea until I read the contraindications.. I may be a tad paranoid, but if it warns you to not use if you have any cardiac issues… ugh.. I may just stick to my boring old razor.. which I too hate :-)