This week we were challenged to try something new as part of our exercise routine. Adding new activities can workout new muscles and create a renewed interest in exercise by changing things up a bit. One of the suggestions that we could try were burpees, and this has been on my list to try so [...]
Timing is everything sometimes. This week we’ve experienced wonderful weather in Edmonton. An extended, warm fall came just in time for our week four challenge. We kept doing everything we have been doing the past three weeks, but instead of doing an indoor activity, we took were challenged to take it outside. Move our week [...]
This week’s #CommitToFit challenge from Subway Canada was to recruit a buddy to workout with. It is proven that working out with a buddy can increase your commitment by having someone else hold you accountable to your goals. This has always had the opposite effect on me. I don’t like working out or doing any [...]
This week’s Commit to Fit challenge through Subway had us focusing on making healthy swaps during our day. Sometimes a swap can be almost unnoticeable, and other times, it’s a game changer. Healthy swaps can be food, exercise, and even a shift in mindset. The point is that the change is meant to take you [...]
I need to be more active, I know this. So when I saw the challenge for the first week, I was ready to commit to making it happen. The challenge sounded simple enough. Add 20 minutes of exercise to your day. Each morning I woke up with a plan to fit in an extra 20 [...]
This year has been about education for me. I’ve been consuming information about making healthier choices at a rapid rate. This summer I realized that knowledge, although still very important, isn’t what is going to get me to my goal of living a healthy lifestyle. It’s commitment. It is so easy to get on the [...]