Timing is everything sometimes. This week we’ve experienced wonderful weather in Edmonton. An extended, warm fall came just in time for our week four challenge.
We kept doing everything we have been doing the past three weeks, but instead of doing an indoor activity, we took were challenged to take it outside. Move our week one activity to the great outdoors.
This weekend we did the last of our yard work, turned our garden, and put up our Christmas lights (you read that right). We don’t turn our lights on until December, but we got them up early because putting them up in the middle of the winter was horrible last year.
During the week there were walks, bike rides, playing in the park, and even a little run (when my daughter became a speed demon on her tricycle and shot off like a flash).

I tried to ride my bike with her, but I wasn’t moving fast enough to include it as activity so I switched to walking (sometimes running) beside her.
I love fresh air. I sleep so solidly when I’ve been outside. As a matter of fact, I can’t wait for my head to hit the pillow tonight. The exercise combined with the fresh air really did me in this weekend — in a good way.
There will be another Twitter party on Tuesday, October 28. See the image below. I hope to see you there. It will be great to catch up.
I can’t believe that there are only two weeks of challenges left and I am looking forward to our next email.
If you are interested in making small, or grand changes in your life, start with taking the pledge. Subway Canada has a Commit to Fit pledge on their Facebook page. Sign up, and make some small (or big) changes. Make some healthy choices and record them to keep you motivated while you are heading towards your goal. Everyone who takes the pledge is entered to win $10,000.
Update: Our week 5 challenge is to do something that we haven’t done before. One of the suggestions was burpees. I chose this because I’ve never done one before and they look like they would be a challenge for me (with my limited upper body strength).
What new physical activity (that you’ve never done before) would you choose to try out?
Disclosure: I am proud to be one of Carls Crew in the Subway Commit
To Fit Challenge. This is a sponsored feature and I also received gift
cards to facilitate this post. Opinions and results are my own.
Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.
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I would like to try kickboxing or yoga.
I’ve never tried Zumba before but it looks fun!
I would like to try kick boxing
I would love to try zumba
I would like to try a spin cycle class.
I would like to try Zumba or some kind of dance fitness class.
I think I would like to try a spin cycle class.
I would love to try yoga. I’ve never tried before!
I would love to try snowboarding!
I would like to try acro yoga
Winter is almost upon us and this winter I would love to try snow shoeing.
I would like to try Yoga. I need to, hope I can make it through a class.
I would like to try boxing
I would love to try snow shoeing now that winter will be upon us before we know it!
I’ve never gone trampolining before but would love to try!
Oops, I entered the wrong name!
Went for a walk
I love being outdoors it definitely is good for the mind and body! I’d love to try skiing!
I saw this post from Facebook and I just had to comment: your DD looks so happy that it makes the whole photo oodles of adorable. That smile is so cute. :D