I can’t believe I’m already finished day 9 of my 30 days in my juice cleanse adventure. Before I go on here, I have been doing daily updates on the This Bird’s Day Facebook page so you can read along there if you don’t want to wait a whole week to hear about things.
I’ve recapped each day on that page so I won’t rehash it here. What I want to do is post all of the questions I have been asked over the past nine days along with my answers. I have been asked some great questions and I thought you might be wondering the same thing.
Thanks to everyone who contacted me and let me know they have started or will be starting soon. I will let you know that you can pick up the juicer I am using at London Drugs. It is the Breville Juicer and it sells for $179 (note, there is another juicer by the same company for $399, I use the one for $179 and it works great).
Q1) How do you deal with wanting snacks? On day one I realized how much I eat out of boredom. I haven’t felt the need to snack now. I make a juice every 3 hours or so and I’m good. I drink water or hot water with lemon and ginger and surprisingly, I don’t feel like snacking. I drink a lot of water now though.
Q2) Do you find juicing more or less expensive than “regular food”? It’s a little of both. I buy some different vegetables to keep it as interesting as it can be and that can add up. We shop at Costco for the bulk so I can get my basics (carrots, kale, spinach, apples, pears, etc) for a good price. I could make it cost less if I wanted to but I like to have some extras on hand in case I don’t like something I made (then I throw in a handful of blue or blackberries, etc.)
Q3) Doesn’t juicing take all the fiber out? Juicing does remove the insoluble fiber but I still get the liquid portion of the veggies or fruits as well as the soluble fiber.
Q4) Why don’t you just eat vegetables? The amount of vitamins and nutrients my body needs is too much to eat in a sitting. This way, I’ve gotten everything in in 10 minutes or less. And I’ve gotten rid of the unnecessary calories so my body doesn’t have to work to digest them. Look at it this way, for my lunch drink, I had a whole cucumber, a pear, a large stalk of fennel, some parsley and two handfuls of spinach. Would you like to sit down and eat all of that without anything else?
Q5) Why are you doing this? You can read my first post on juicing, but in a nutshell, I slowly started omitting veggies and fruits from my day to the point where I realized I wasn’t eating them anymore. Not only that, I developed a distaste for them. I’m trying to get myself feeling healthy quickly and have been trying to retrain my actions. For me it is working as I have been making my girls eat more vegetables and fruits. I realized I was done with myself and had started limiting them and allowing them to eat two granola bars when they said they wanted a snack and then another. When I started, I didn’t think that their constant asking for snacks had anything to do with their bodies searching for the nutrients they need. Now we all consume more fruits and vegetables and I want them both to have a healthy chance in this world. I was beginning to rob them of that.
Q6) How do you know what to do? I am following loosely along with rebootwithjoe.com – there is a 5-day plan on there and I am using it as a guideline as to which type of juices to have when. I start with a juice that has more fruit in the morning, then do a green juice, then one with beets, peppers, blackberries, etc, then another green juice, then a lighter juice. Now I pretty much make up my juices but I still google recipes for inspiration. The base of my fruit juices start with carrots and either and apple or orange (sometimes beets). The base of my green juices start with cucumbers, either an apple or pear, and spinach or kale, then I add other stuff in. I really don’t like the taste of celery so I have just been leaving it out but that is a personal preference.
Q7) It seems like the first four days are the hardest. Is it getting easier? The first four are the hardest, but on day 7 (I think) I did not want to do it. I took some time to wake up, made myself a hot water with lemon and ginger, and I felt better. The past two days though have been easy.
Q8) Are you having any cravings? I don’t have cravings that make me want to stop what I’m doing. I think and talk about food, but I know this isn’t forever. I’m more calm about it than I thought I would be.
Q9) How many juices do you drink in a day? Between 4 – 6. It depends what I put in them, how early I start my day and what I am doing in a day. Usually 4-5 do it for me.
Q10) Once you make the juice can you put it in the fridge for later, or even the next day? Or does it need to be drunk right away? The website says you can save it until the next ‘meal’, but not too much longer after that as the vitamin content begins to fade after it is juiced.
Q11) When you use beets in your juice, do you cook them first? No but I do peel them. Cooking removes the level of nutrients your body needs. I think beets taste best with oranges and carrots.
That is it for this week’s questions. If I get any more, I’ll add them here.
Disclosure: I am working with London Drugs to feature my 30-day juice cleanse. I received the Breville Juicer for free to facilitate my posts. The opinions expressed in this series are mine only and are not influenced in any way.
Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.
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Hi, I am very interested in doing this also. Would you mind telling me what i can follow? TY!
Hi Amy, I am following from the rebootwithjoe.com website. If you are not sure, contacting your doctor for some advice is a good start. Thanks.
Congratulations on your first week! Do you feel you have more energy, and do you sleep better? I am learning a lot from your posts and following daily. Keep on juicing! Love you and your blog!
Thanks – I am just feeling more energy now. More of an alertness too.