People often think that living a greener lifestyle is something only the rich can afford to do. Here are some simple changes to your daily routine to become more green.
Reduce your use
It sounds like common sense, but often we don’t think about actually turning off our household things when we’re not using them. If you’re going to another room in the house, flip off the lights in the room you’re leaving. (How often do you think you’re just going to another room for a second and then forget to go back to the first room?) If you’re not watching TV, listening to your stereo, or actually working on your computer or laptop, switch them off. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth instead of letting it run. These are all small things that may seem insignificant, but once they become habit, together can make a much bigger impact. Not only for the environment, but also for your wallet!
Reuse your stuff
Think twice before tossing something into the garbage or recycling bin. Could it be reused for something else? For example, paper towel rolls, yogurt containers, jars, packing peanuts, egg cartons – these are all things that would likely be gladly taken by a school or daycare to use for kids crafts. If you’re starting a garden, you can make seedling plant pods with toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, or newspaper. Others use salad mix containers as miniature greenhouses to start seeds.
The vast majority of municipalities now have blue bin recycling programs; make sure you know what is and isn’t allowed in yours. There are probably other things you can recycle that you may not have known about. E-waste (electronics waste) can be brought to Eco-Stations in Edmonton, and most cities also have a hazardous waste disposal program.
London Drugs has their Bring Back the Pack program that we wrote about one year ago and it is still going strong. They will take back all the packaging from any of their products for recycling, including hard and soft plastics, plastic wrap, cardboard, and even styrofoam (a receipt may be required as they can not accept unlimited quantities).
Take a walk, roller blade, or ride a bike
I love that Earth Day is in the Spring (April 22d) because it means we can go outside and enjoy the weather! It usually means people are more inclined to walk, roller blade, or bike to places nearby, lessening their carbon footprint by not driving. Even if you don’t have a destination, getting outside is great for your overall health, as our indoor environments can be full of toxins we are not even aware of.
Open your windows
Indoor air quality can be a problem, and the easiest way to combat that is to open your windows and let fresh air circulate through your home. Then you’re not wasting energy by running your furnace fan, air conditioning, or plug-in home fragrance products.
For more on going green on a budget, check out my tips on going green without breaking the bank.
What small changes are you going to make this year?
This Bird’s Day is a proud ambassador for London Drugs. Opinions are the author’s and are not influenced. Check out your local London Drugs. They have an earth month savings flyer on until April 29th with some fabulous eco-friendly savings that you can find on the London Drugs website.

Judith is a mother to an angelic little girl, wife to a visual artist, sister to a breast cancer survivor, designer/ musician/ writer, and self-proclaimed ecoholic. Her blog offers tips on living green on a sensible budget, in Edmonton and online.