Craft Project With My Two Year Old Toddler

As our children get older, it becomes easier to find projects they can either do on their own, or you can do together. Crafts with toddlers has a few more restrictions.

You don’t want to use small decorations that can later fall off and become lodged in little throats, scissors and glue isn’t used as much and little fingers just can’t complete some of the projects and toddlers become easily frustrated and discouraged.

Our weather has taken a turn for the worse, and Little Bird and I were on the hunt for something new to do. We stopped by our local craft store while we were out today and took a look around to see if anything caught our eyes. Sure enough, Little Bird found some small coloured sticky notes and we talked about what we could make with them.

We came up with three things that could easily be cut out by me; flowers, stars and snowflakes. And the best thing about sticky notes is that they come with a part that is already sticky, so no need for glue.

So with our $2 pad of paper (probably less if you get it from a dollar store), we headed home. As we got to the car, we noticed it had started snowing. Snowflakes it is, we decided.

Little Bird wasn’t sure how we were going to make them. I showed her the first time. I folded the paper in half, then in half again, then finally folded it corner to corner and randomly cut out parts of the paper. We opened it up to reveal a beautiful snowflake.
Excited, she grabbed another piece of paper and began to fold. The best part about doing this with a young toddler is that no matter how they fold it, you can cut some fun shapes out and some of our snowflakes looked like aliens and robots. Folding the paper also helps them to build their fine motor skills.

The sticky notes we picked up came in four different colours and we noticed that the hearts on Little Bird’s pants had colours that matched each one, so we took some time to recognize the various colour names and match then to the hearts on her pants. After she folded the paper, I cut each snowflake, then we used the sticky on the back and put them up in her play area.

This project kept her busy for a long time, cost very little money and was perfect to do on a cold snowy day.

Just a tip, and I know it doesn’t need to be said, but make sure you are the one doing the cutting and the scissors are put out of reach once the project is done.

PS – Sorry for the bad quality photos. Little Bird has an interest in cameras right now so I hid my good camera so she would just use our second-hand one, and being pregnant, I couldn’t remember where I hid it. So I’ll be searching for it this week.

Found in Kids

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  • Heather Feb 2, 2011, 10:57 pm

    She’s adorable! What a fun craft too…my FIL did this with H last time they visited and she had a blast.

    • Sheri Feb 3, 2011, 5:25 pm

      She is still asking to cut snowflakes out so it was well worth the cost of the sticky pad.

      I think in the spring time we will get some green and make grass for along her baseboards.

      Actually come to think about it, the winter has been long enough. Maybe I’ll just do it now.

      Thanks Heather.

  • Betty Jan 31, 2011, 10:09 am

    You two are having a lot of fun time together and that is important. Babybird is very lucky to have you as a Mom. Good luck on finding your good camera.

    • Sheri Feb 3, 2011, 5:26 pm

      I found it, I was pretty clever when I hid it (pats self on back).