A Day in the Life of My Daughter’s Hands #HealthyFamilies

It is absolutely amazing what kids touch when you actually pay close attention to them for one day. Our oldest daughter is going to be four years old next month so she is completely mobile, and adventurous.

As part of my ambassadorship with Lysol, I was challenged to follow my daughter for a day and note all of the different things she touches.

Here is an incomplete list of all of the things she touched today (and I say incomplete, because she got away from me a couple of times, so I’m still partially in the dark).

  • Our garden, including the dirt and plants
  • Her treehouse and her slide
  • Some peanuts and our fence when feeding the new baby squirrels
  • Our lawnchairs
  • Her sister; multiple times. They’re close like that.
  • Her wagon
  • Every possible piece of equipment at our local playground
  • Dandelions
  • Her snot; both from wiping a runny nose and picking it (its something we’re working on)
  • Her craft supplies
  • Her Father’s Day present
  • Her food
  • A dog
  • As much wrapped candy in the convenience store that she could touch before it was tie to leave
  • Some books from Goodwill. Whether you pay full price, or get them cheap, the story is still the same
  • The table, utensils and cup at a restaurant we went to for dinner
  • Under the table in the restaurant. She discovered that she could get from one side to the other easily. I don’t even want to think about what is down there.
  • Crayons and a colouring page from the restaurant
  • A treat from a box of treats that she could pick out (I don’t even want to think about how many other little hands have been in there before
  • A public restroom toilet
  • Our fence
  • Our front door, and deck door
  • Our floor. She crawls around so she can play at our youngest daughter’s play level.
  • Her dad’s record player

It is exhausting watching everything they touch so closely, but the truth is that whether we see them touch it or not, the outcome is still the same; they touch it.

Since my daughter is just shy of four years old, I talk to her about keeping her hands clean by keeping our conversations short and bringing her in to the conversation so she is a part of it, and it isn’t just me talking at her. I also tailor my conversation to her. She loves learning and understanding how everything works, so we have had discussions about what germs are, and how we can get sick from germs, and how we stop germs.

We were out the other day on a play date and she went to the washroom. After she was done, we were getting ready to leave and I stopped myself from telling her she had to wash her hands to see if she would remember. She was excited to get back to playing and she hurried to the door. I opened my mouth to remind her, but before I could say anything, she shouted “I forgot to wash my hands.” That was one of my many proud mom moments.

To help keep your little ones germ-free, Lysol also has a special promotion on their Lysol Canada Facebook page. Lysol is giving away 2,500 free Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap dispensers each week. This started on May 21 and it is going for a total of five weeks.

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group.  The opinions on this blog are my own.

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