This Maple Caramel Ice Cream Cake is my contribution to Canada Day recipes everywhere. It actually started out a little more daring then it ended up, but I’m happy with the end result.

When I first decided to make a new recipe to celebrate Canada Day, I had it in my head that I wanted to do something with maple syrup and bacon, and this was originally going to have cooked, crumbled bacon on it.
Then I was talking to my husband the night before I made it and realized that it isn’t really ‘bacon’ that we are known for as much as it is ‘back bacon’, and I am not one bit interested in trying that on an ice cream cake.
There you have it.

- 1 box Christie Maple Leaf cookies
- 3 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
- 1.66L Vanilla Ice Cream (I used Breyers French Vanilla)
- 20 Werther's Original Chewy Caramels
- 3 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
- 1/4 cup maple syrup (from Quebec, of course)
- Put ice cream on counter to soften just before you begin.
- In a bowl, crush the cookies, and the cream filling until it is fairly fine.
- Add melted butter to the cookies and mix thoroughly. Add cookie base to the bottom of a 9" springform pan.
- Melt caramel and sweetened condensed milk in a microwave-safe bowl for 1 minute at a time (watch as it melts) and mix well. Add maple syrup and mix it into a thick sauce.
- Once ice cream is softened to the point where you can spread it, add it on top of your cookie base, spreading it evenly.
- Quickly add maple/caramel sauce and let it run across the top of the ice cream forming a top layer.
- Freeze for a couple of hours or until solid. Serve.
- You may want to line your pan before to prevent leaking. I didn't as my cookie base covered any gaps in the pan.
- An alternative to having your maple/caramel sauce on top of your cake is to add it in to your ice cream before adding it on top of your base.
- When you add the caramel sauce and put it in the freezer, try not to move it when it is beginning to freeze or the caramel will get ripples in it. Leave it flat and alone and you will have a great top.

Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.
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Oh wow! That looks AMAZING! :) I would NEVER have thought to use a box of cookies (and a box of my favorite cookies at that!) this way :)
Thanks Soozle. I love this ice cream cake too. So decadent with those cookies.