Just in time for holidays off with the kids. This was originally just going to be a game for my daughters but I thought I’d share it with anyone who wanted to try it out.

I’ve been working on this map for Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) for a few months in my spare time. Both of our girls (ages 4 and 7) love watching Diamond Minecart, Stampy (and friends) and ThinkNoodles on YouTube but they can’t always keep up when they try the same games on their own.
My daughters wanted a fun game where they could run around looking for a lot of diamonds and not die easily and I thought this was a great way to share their enjoyment of the game with them.

The game is meant to be a treasure hunt. Nothing really challenging, although some of the hiding spots are pretty creative IMO. My daughters are four and seven years old so while they love playing Minecraft (and maps), they die easily in some of the more challenging maps. I created this with the intent of it being more laid back and a fun treasure hunt.

Visit a tower, hotel, barn, underwater home, train station, movie theatre, restaurant (with a dancefloor), a challenging three-floor library maze and many more surprises.
Right now, this is available for ios (apple). If anyone can tell me how I make it available for Android, I will get right on it. Just email me at (sheri at thisbirdsday dot com) or leave a comment below and I will start working on it.
And here you go.
Free MCPE Map Download: Diamond Dash
Players 1 – 4
Total hidden diamonds: 262
One player, or group team play (working together to find the diamonds): You have access to all chests. You have 262 diamonds to find. Good luck, have fun.
Two – Four player challenge: There are four colours near the entrance. Pick your team colour and only open the chest with your team colour on it at the beginning. Take all of the items, go into the next room. When all players are ready, break the sign and race to see who finds the most.
Notes: You can remove cobwebs and vines that are in your way. You can reuse cobwebs to slow other players down (in multi-player challenge), but you can not reuse vines for anything.
You can only break blocks when there is a sign in the area stating you can break a certain block.
This game has been tested in game play mode. All chests can be reached and opened. If you can’t get to a chest, think of another approach.
You can still fall to your death in this game if you make a mistake, but it isn’t a difficult game for a younger child to play.
The game is done for a single player when they find all 262 diamonds. Multi-player challenge can put a time limit on how many they can find in a certain time and the one with the most wins.

*when you click the download button, the download box will appear right away. If you do not know how to load the map on your device, read my note above about iFunBox, thanks.
Right now, this is available for ios (ipad). If anyone can tell me how I make it available for Android, I will get right on it. Just email me at (sheri at thisbirdsday dot com) or leave a comment below and I will start working on it.
Have fun and let me know what you think if you download it. Thanks for checking it out.
Note: I created this map using Minecraft by Mojang.
I own no rights to Mojang or Minecraft.
I am sharing this map for free play in the Minecraft
game that is completely owned and operated by Mojang.
Sheri publishes, and writes at This Bird’s Day where she shares all of the thoughts in her head without the voices. Sticking mainly with content for Canadians, Sheri shares family stories, product information and anything that fits into her (and her family’s) daily activities.