Look at my Garden Grow

I haven’t posted an update on my vegetable garden since Mother Nature decided to rain snow on my parade at the beginning of June. My garden mostly made it through the setback. I lost a cucumber, a couple of cauliflower, some white onions and an heirloom tomato plant in total.

Looking at this picture though, they aren’t really missed. To give you an idea of how well everything is growing, I stood behind my beautiful tomatoes for a picture. I am about 5’6″ tall, so you can see here that my tomatoes are HUGE.

Also in this first picture is the amazing garden shed that Papa Bird built. He’s one handy guy.

Not only that, they are all really producing. In about a month I hope to be sharing some pictures of all of my different heirloom colours. I have 12 heirloom tomatoes that made it through.

I clipped and pruned the tomatoes back to get more energy to all of the tomatoes that are already growing. If I didn’t do this, then my plants would continue to put all of their efforts in to growing and sprouting more flowers which is great, but then my tomatoes that are growing would have a harder time of ripening and becoming the big sizes I know that some of them are supposed to be.

My other vegetables are doing well too. The peas and beans have taken off and I can’t wait to eat them when they are ready. Baby Bird already spends snack time standing in the garden eating fresh peas.

The corn is short, but I am still getting ears. I can’t wait to barbecue them up in September.

Here are some pictures of my flowers from around the yard as well.

For my fellow Green Thumbs. How are your gardens looking? Have you started eating from them yet?

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  • Lauralee Hensley Aug 4, 2010, 1:16 pm

    Man, I didn’t have a garden this year, just didn’t have the healthy energy needed. I do love looking at yours and remembering back
    when I lived somewhere else that actually had great soil and
    having tomato plants higher than shorty me.
    Amazing. With all those tomato’s I bet you’ll be canning up at the end of the growing season some green tomato relish. My grandmother used to call it Pic-A-Dilly relish when she made hers. I don’t have the recipe and grandma passed long ago.
    I’m sure there are recipes for it on the internet.
    We used to eat it up over the winter months, especially good at the Holidays.

    • Sheri Aug 4, 2010, 1:34 pm

      I will definitely be posting my ripe pictures. I hope to start canning this year. It’s the perfect way to have garden fresh vegetables all through the winter.

  • Nancy Aug 3, 2010, 8:31 pm

    OMG, Your garden looks amazing!!

    • Sheri Aug 4, 2010, 1:36 pm

      Thanks Nancy. When I first met my neighbour, he told me that the garden really produces. The pressure was on so I am glad it is going strong!

  • SamiJoe Aug 3, 2010, 12:31 pm

    Wow looking good!

    You know, i threw a few tomato plants outside this year (usually i grow them in the greenhouse) and they are huge!! I’m really surprised!

    I’ll post a picture real soon too–pumpkins, zukes (yellow and green) and squash are all taking over!!

    • Sheri Aug 4, 2010, 1:35 pm

      Can’t wait to see your pictures. I have a pumpkin that I planted a little late in the season, but my fingers are crossed.