Before you toss (read recycle) the books your kids have ‘loved to death’, consider salvaging the pages for keepsakes that will be enjoyed for years to come.These magnets can be used as: shower and thank you gifts: taking the time to make something to say thanks goes a long way gifts for friends: say thanks [...]
There are some requests I just can’t pass up when they cross my email, and this is one of them. Yellow Tail Wines has a fun wine cozy that you can knit to cover your holiday wine bottles, and it is so freaking fun. Just look at the final product. If you are a crafty [...]
Usually the life of a glove ends when you get ready to go out one day and you can only find one. The other has mysteriously vanished, never to be found again. A glove on its own is useless. You can’t even donate it to a second hand store. Now you can take that glove [...]
As our children get older, it becomes easier to find projects they can either do on their own, or you can do together. Crafts with toddlers has a few more restrictions. You don’t want to use small decorations that can later fall off and become lodged in little throats, scissors and glue isn’t used as [...]