I think. Always. I think about my girls, husband, websites, direction, goals, dreams, and family. Then there is school, extra-curricular activities, grocery shopping, cleaning and working with our youngest on her language skills. It doesn’t look like it from where you are reading, but behind the scenes, this website and another that I own and [...]
Health & Wellness
This new invention we all call ‘the internet’ has literally changed the way we live, work, and play. Since it’s inception, hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs have taken their businesses online, or created new ones. Some of these businesses can be set up so that they ‘run themselves’, but the majority of the successful websites [...]
We all know we need to eat better, exercise more, get enough sleep and (insert thing you should be doing here, but are not), but knowing and doing are two completely different things. For me, I know I need to do all of the above, but right now, my brain is programmed and stuck on [...]
Since the snow has melted and the weather has become warm, we have been spending a lot of time outside. We play around the yard, visit the local playground and go on walks. Nice long walks through the neighborhood. I love these walks because I get to chat with my girls and I love the [...]
Did you know that 90% of Canadians consider their smile to be an essential part of their physical appearance, but only 23% brush for at least two minutes which is the dentist-recommended amount of time per brushing? I couldn’t tell you for sure how long I brush my teeth for. Someone once told me that [...]
Just over a month ago I got a crash course in an illness called Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (not to be confused with Hoof & Mouth disease which is very serious). Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is actually a common illness that affects mostly young kids, toddlers and infants. The disease itself is not [...]
Have you ever had so many great things to say about something that you just didn’t know where to start? I feel this way about the new Xbox Kinect Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012. It is hard to call this a game. It is more of a tool in managing your health and wellness. It [...]
Since my first Xbox Kinect Sensor post, we have all been enjoying our Xbox in different ways. My main reason has been to lose weight, and I am so happy to have this tool at my fingertips. As a family we get out and go for walks when it is nice, and I take our [...]
This was the year that I vowed I would purposely do something about my health. I’ve gained a lot of weight from my two pregnancies and I’ve become somewhat sedentary, and I have a lot of life left to live both with my girls and for myself. My biggest hurdle to overcome is time and [...]
Shortly after having Baby Bird, I started to get red, patchy skin on my hands and face. I immediately recognized it as eczema because I had it when I was younger. Baby Bird has had her eczema pretty much since birth and it seems to get worse when it’s hot out or if she is [...]