SnowSeekers Joins Snow Valley in Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters

Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters is a community-supported organization committed to the healthy development of children, youth and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long-term success in life.

Big Brothers Big Sisters offers a wide range of opportunities to youth in need both in Edmonton and across Canada. Their volunteer mentoring programs often match one mentor (or a Big) with one mentee (Little). Have you ever wanted to know more about this remarkable charity?

Doc Pow from SnowSeekers and (me) Sheri Landry with This Bird’s Day are partnering with Snow Valley in Edmonton to bring you an information session to learn more about volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters and we will come bearing gifts.

Quick details:

What? Get a FREE ski/snowboard pass for Snow Valley and learn about BBBS.
When? Sunday March 12, 2017 at 1:00pm
RSVP? Sign up at

For everyone who comes out to meet up with us and learn a little more about Big Brothers Big Sisters, Snow Valley has graciously offered one FREE ski or snowboard pass that you can either use that same day, or take with you to use another time.

The event will be held at Snow Valley on Sunday, March 12 at 1:00pm. You must RSVP at to be eligible for the FREE passes.

Members from Big Brothers Big Sisters will be on hand for a short presentation that will take less than 30 minutes. If you have any follow up questions, they will be available to answer them for you right on the spot.

So here’s your chance to come out, meet up with us, learn more about a great cause and get your hands on a FREE pass.

Please note, passes are limited so sign up as soon as possible as the list will be closed once enough interest is shown.

Want to know what’s new with Big Brothers Big Sisters? Check out their newsletter at Winter 2015.pdf

Found in Edmonton